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David Tebbutt


This site is in abeyance. To be resumed when I restart my activities at or near the helm of an emergent movement or technology.

I will add a new introduction section shortly, otherwise consider the site a relic.


David Tebbutt

Writer - Editor - Trainer
Responsive - Speedy - Reliable

I write and/or edit anything for publication (online or off)
I run report-writing workshops for business professionals. Agenda here.
Most of my clients are tech-focused. Training-only list (since 1988) here.
See also THE MESSAGERY for strategic message optimisation services


I live near three underground lines, the M40, the M25 and the M4, providing huge flexibility to where I can meet clients or interviewees.

I tend to use Zoom, Teams and Skype but am happy with any video conferencing app that works on a Windows 10 PC.

Social links

In case icons don't appear: FB, LI, YT, TW and blog (205-15).